Saturday, 1 February 2014

Another Success?….NOT!

UK Online Filter a Disaster


British anti-porn filter program was enforced while everyone was on holiday, and it seems that Prime Minister’s attempts to impose it turned out to be an unmitigated disaster.

First of all, the filter is very easy for kids to get around. But now it appears that it blocks access to leading charity websites like ChildLine, the NSPCC and the Samaritans – thus harming kids instead of protecting them.

In other words, in the name of protecting kids, UK Prime Minister cut them off from their life-lines and would allow children to be sexual abused or commit suicide as they cannot get the help they need. Kids have been banned from seeing women’s charities, the British Library and the National Library of Scotland, which might be the first stop for children wanting to do their homework.

Cameron’s filter blocks access to the Parliament and government portals and the websites of politicians. Even if any politically aware children wanted to complain about this to their MP, they cannot. The only good news is that the filter also blocks access to Claire Perry, the MP who has campaigned for the introduction of those filters.

Harry Clapham, who offers guitar lessons on his site, complained that he was also being censored by Cameron’s filter. Thus, a parent who opts in will be safe from guitar lessons giving their children bad dreams. Other users complained that “parental control” is just ISP’s term for switching the whole Internet off. One of the largest British Internet service providers O2 claimed that it was changing its parental control filters in order to unlock access to some of the charities that had been blocked.

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