Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Get A Life?

Britons Have Either a Tablet Or a Life

According to the latest research, half of the UK citizens are now using tablets - the statistics show that there were over 12 million tablets sold in the country last year. By comparing this number to the population, you can figure out that by the end of January, half of Britons will own or have access to a tablet, up from 36% last summer.

The industry observers believe the growth of popularity of keyboardless devices had been driven by the value end of the market, which had made the touchscreen items children's toys, popular among those who don’t want to pay for more expensive models.

The growth was helped by the rise of budget tablets - for example, Amazon’s Kindle Fire (its price starts at £199), Tesco's Hudl and Argos's £99 tablet. However, the last is now unavailable. Experts say that tablets had gained popularity with extraordinary speed, and their makers will have to work hard to stay on top of the evolution of the market.

It looks like people are now starting to listen to Bill Gates who claimed that there were shedloads of uses for tablets. Today there appear to be more users and use cases for tablets than many could imagine. The secret was to get the balance of form, function and price right.

Apparently, online retailers understand the situation and started slashing prices and promoting e-books to appeal to those who received tablets as Christmas gifts.

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