Saturday 31 October 2009

You Can See The Slime!!!

MPs' expenses: Tony McNulty allowed to keep £60,000

Tony McNulty has been allowed to keep almost £60,000 he claimed in expenses for a house where his elderly parents lived just eight miles from the "main" home he shares with his wife.

The former Home Office minister was criticised by a formal inquiry for allowing his parents to live rent free at taxpayers' expense and ordered to repay more than £13,000.

But the Parliamentary committee, who decide MPs' punishments ruled he should be allowed to keep the majority of the money claimed on the home. The official investigation said it was "reasonable" for the taxpayer to help fund Mr McNulty's parents' house as it was in his constituency and could be designated as his second home.

Yet Mr McNulty himself admitted he only stayed there for a maximum of 66 nights a year. He spent the rest of the time at the nearby £900,000 house he shares with his wife Christine Gilbert, the head of Ofsted

So……….Let’s get this straight…….The Labour Party is for the working class…….The Tory Party is for the toffs and The Liberal Party….Well they don’t know who they represent…..But which members of which party has “claimed” for the most and which party member’s wife’s hold high office under their maiden names so the general public don’t “catch on” to what is going on……..YEH RIGHT…..Labour represent the “The Working Man”……LABOUR REPRESENT THEMSELVES AND ALWAYS HAVE DONE!!!!!

Friday 30 October 2009

Those Pesky Bumper Stickers

“For a small town, there sure are a lot of assholes!”
“If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport!”
“Honk to see finger!”
“Better a blow job, than no job!”
“My Other Ride is YO MOMMA!”
“Work hard, the people on welfare depend on you!”
“I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.”
“Jesus loves you...but everyone else thinks you are an asshole.”
“Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted.”

“WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.”
“A woman need a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
“My son is inmate of the month!”

Thursday 29 October 2009

Give It Some Bottle!

Rags-to-riches tramp bags fortune in bottles

A 63-year-old homeless Russian man has gone from street life to stock market trader after collecting thousands of empty booze bottles for cash, a popular Russian tabloid reported on Tuesday.

Pictured in a majestic purple suit and matching violet jewelry, Leonid Konovalov told the Tvoi Den paper he collected around 2,000 bottles a day over the past year since the economic downturn hit Russia last autumn.

"Russians are drinking a little bit more due to the crisis, and this helped me get out of the rubbish dump," said Konovalov, an ex-engineer from the industrial city of Kemerovo in eastern Siberia who has spent the last 20 years living in a tip.

Russia's many homeless are often seen rooting through rubbish for bottles and tins, which they can trade for money. A glass bottle can fetch about 2 rubles ($0.06).

The bearded former tramp said he was encouraged by his two grandchildren to take risks on the stock market and said his first transaction was a 50,000 euro ($74,120) share-purchase.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Students…What a Pain!

Cornish 'terrorists' declare war on students

A self-proclaimed "terrorist" group from Cornwall, dubbed the "Ooh-Arr A", has launched a campaign in protest at the influx of students into the county.

Anti-student slogans signed by the The Cornish Republican Army, also known as the "Farmer Bin Ladens", have appeared at an open day event at University College in Falmouth.

The group is said to be angry that a proposed 231 new flats will be made into student accommodation, rather than being made available to local residents.

The graffiti, sprayed at the nearby Penryn railway station, said: ''Penryn has had enough of students – CRA'.

Local councillor Geoff Brown said: ''I think it's a great pity that we have had this vandalism. We welcome students in Cornwall.

''It seems a great pity that some people aren't broad-minded enough to accept that.''

Deputy mayor Ted Wilkes added: ''The graffiti is very childish. It makes bad impression.''

CRA members, who want independence from the United Kingdom, have previously threatened to fire bomb the restaurants of Rick Stein and Jamie Oliver.

The group has also claimed responsibility for burning down an empty warehouse and two derelict offices.

……………and who can blame them….Students in this society seem to get everything handed to them on a plate……….Including Microsoft products at huge discounts, cheap banking and rail travel….Let the buggers pay full price!!!!!!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Burger Fight!!!

Man charged with criminal damage to hamburgers

A man called Stephen Morgan has been charged with criminal damage to two hamburgers worth £5 after becoming involved in an alleged doorstep dispute with a fast food firm.

Morgan, 31, was arrested and taken from his home in handcuffs at the weekend after his family's order with their local pizza parlour in Loughor, near Swansea, arrived minus two burgers.

The incident began when Morgan was at home in with partner Michelle Owen on Saturday evening.

The couple, who have two children, planned to stay in and watch ITV1's The X Factor with other family members.

A dispute is alleged to have started after an order of food with a local pizza parlour arrived without the, no doubt, tasty hamburgers.

Mr Morgan claims it was agreed the group should wait for the rest of the order, he told the South Wales Evening Post.

A dispute is alleged to have started with a delivery man who came to the house later, and £15 compensation was eventually paid out, he claims.

What follows remains unclear, however police visited the address later that evening and arrested Mr Morgan on suspicion of robbery.

He was taken to Swansea Central police station where he was questioned about the incident and held overnight.

A South Wales Police spokesman confirmed that a 31-year-old man was arrested on Saturday evening and has since been charged with causing criminal damage to food valued at £5.

…………..No doubt it will go to court costing the British taxpayer thousands in court fees!!!!!!!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Eat a Dog…Save the Planet!!!!!!!

Pet dogs as bad for planet as driving 4x4s, book claims

Owners should consider doing without, downsizing or even eating their pets to help save the planet, according to a new book.

It claims that the carbon footprint left by domesticated animals is out of proportion to the size of their paws.

A medium-sized dog has the same impact as a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6,000 miles a year, while a cat is equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf.

New Zealand-based authors Robert and Brenda Vale base their findings on the amount of land needed to grow food for pets ranging from budgerigars to cats and dogs.

They say an average Collie eats 164kg of meat and 95kg of cereals a year, giving it a high impact on the planet.

But a pair of rabbits can produce 36 young annually, which would provide 72kg of meat and help decrease the owner's carbon footprint.

Mr Vale, an architect who specialises in sustainable living, said: "There are no recipes in the book. We're not actually saying it is time to eat the dog.

"We're just saying that we need to think about and know the (ecological) impact of some of the things we do and that we take for granted."

He explained that sustainability issues require us to make choices which are "as difficult as eating your dog".

Mr Vale added: "Once you see where cats and dogs fit in your overall balance of things, you might decide to have the cat but not also to have the two cars and the three bathrooms and be a meat-eater yourself."

………so my Wolfies will go down well with a large portion of fries……..FUCK YOU…..I think not!!!!!

Saturday 24 October 2009

Tear a strip off!

Stripping woman fails to avoid jerky arrest

Stripping to you underwear apparently doesn't absolve you of stealing beef

A woman's attempt to avoid arrest over shoplifting some beef jerky proved ineffective, as it turned out that stripping in front of policemen won't stop them from arresting you.

Kicking them in the groin also doesn't help you cause, apparently.

The woman, identified as Julia E Laack of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, was arrested at her home after she allegedly stole the beef jerky and a lighter from a convenience store. When officers arrived at her house, she began by swearing at her children, then stripped to her underwear.

She told officers: 'You can't arrest me as I am going to be naked now.'

Laack then kicked one of the officers in the groin and spat at another as they attempted to prove that they could, in fact, arrest her.

She then decided to round off her evening by mooning from the back window of the squad car as she was taken to the police station.

Preliminary tests showed that she had a blood alcohol level of 0.112 percent, significantly above Wisconsin's 0.08 percent drink-drive limit.

……………Strange…………….She wasn’t driving a car!!

Friday 23 October 2009


Father backs son who refused to show head respect

A new head teacher has provoked a “respect” debate among parents after ordering pupils to stand up when he enters a classroom.

Kevin Harrison, 55, who joined Macclesfield High School earlier this month, said the rule allowed him to check uniforms quickly and was a sign of respect.

However, the father of a pupil, sent home for refusing to stand, said respect had to be earned.

Daniel Walton, 15, has been excluded from the Cheshire school.

His father Tim, 40, who is jobless, said Daniel was justified to remain seated. Mr Walton, a father of three, said: “I teach my kids respect is earned. He [the head teacher] hasn’t been there long enough to earn my son’s respect so why should he stand up for him?”

Mr Harrison, who took over at the school after the previous head retired with a long-standing neurological condition, said the new rules were to promote high expectations.

He said: “We want students to take pride in their work, in the school and in the community.” However, Mr Harrison said Daniel was not excluded because he refused to stand.

“He has been excluded for four and a half days following an incident in which a member of staff was subjected to verbal abuse and a physical assault,” he said.

“We can’t have children refusing to do what a member of staff is asking them to do.” Nick Seaton, from the Campaign for Real Education, said most parents would support the head.

He said: “Pupils have to respect their teachers otherwise the whole system falls apart. It’s vital that teachers and parents regain their authority from children, a lot of whom seem to think they can do what they like.”

……………..and they wonder why schools and universities are churning out so many deadheads!!!!!

Thursday 22 October 2009

Bumper Stickers Again


“Born Free.....Taxed to Death.”
“Conserve toilet paper, use both sides.”
“Don't come knocking if the car is rocking.”
“Don't steal....The Government hates Competition.”
“99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.”
“A man without a woman is like a neck without a pain.”
“All men are Idiots, and I married their King.”
“Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film facility.”
“Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.”
“Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW.”
“I love cats...they taste just like chicken.”
“What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?”
“Save Water - Take a bath with your neighbor's daughter.”
“Some people are only alive because it is illegal to kill.”
“I want to die peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.”
“If you are psychic - think HONK.”
“It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats,”
“Keep honking, I'm reloading.”
“Learn from your parents mistakes - use birth control.”
“Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.”
“As long as there are tests, there will be prayers in public schools.”
“Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.”
“Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?”
“Honk if anything falls off.”
“I are proud to be a college student.”

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Hitch A Ride

Plane delayed by bird on board

A South Korean passenger jet was grounded just before taking off so that crew members could catch a sparrow that was flying around in the cabin, airline officials said on Wednesday.

"The bird got in through an open airplane door and was spotted during boarding," said Cho Hyung-chul, a spokesman for Korean Air Line. The passengers on the flight were asked to leave the plane as the airline tried to prevent the bird from taking the domestic flight.

"The bird was captured and set free," Cho said.

The flight's 123 passengers were put on board a different plane and sent on their journey, which was delayed for nearly three hours, the airline said.

Birds are a growing problem for the global airline industry, with an increasing number of planes getting damaged after hitting flocks of birds.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Baby Blues

Man gropes nurse, misses birth of his child

New father misses birth after allegedly groping nurse!

A new father missed the birth of his child after he was arrested for allegedly groping one of the nurses assisting at the birth.

30-year-old Adam Jay Manning, from Bountiful, near Salt Lake City in Utah, brought the pregnant woman, who was going into labour with his child, into the McKay-Dee Hospital at about 3am on Friday morning.

Unfortunately, when a nurse arrived to help them, Manning made a comment about how cute she looked. While the nurse ignored him and instead helped the pregnant woman, Manning continued his less-than-chivalrous attempts to win the nurse's affections.

He then tried the old 'can I give you a massage?' technique, telling the nurse that it looked like there was something wrong with her neck. He then tried to massage her neck, followed up by grabbing her breast.

The nurse pushed Manning away, and called the police. Manning was promptly arrested, The Salt Lake Tribune reports.

'Obviously, he wasn't there for the birth of the child,' noted police Lt. Loring Draper of the Ogden police department.

Monday 19 October 2009

Biblical Sex!!!!!

Biblical sex row over explicit illustrated Book of Genesis

A sexually explicit illustrated Book of Genesis by controversial artist Robert Crumb, which features Bible characters having intercourse, has been condemned by religious groups.


The book, which is released this month, carries the warning "adult supervision recommended for minors", and is described as "scandalous satire" by its publishers.

It includes graphic illustrations of Bible characters having sexual intercourse, and other scenes depicting naked men and women as well as "gratuitous" depictions of violence.

Crumb, the book's author, is most famous for his creation Fritz the Cat, a sexually graphic "underground" comic strip. It was turned into a film that became the first animation to receive an X rating.

He has said he does not believe that the Bible is the word of God. "I take it all for myth from start to finish, with probably some faint relation to historical reality." he said.

"They're great stories. But for people to take texts as something sacred, handed down from God... that's pretty backward, I think."

The Book of Genesis illustrated by R. Crumb has been criticised by leading religious groups such as the Christian Institute.

Other leading religious figures have been more supportive of the work. "I didn't think it was satire," said the Bishop of Croydon, the Rt Rev Nick Baines.

"He set out to say; 'this is important, fundamental myth' and it seems to me he's done a good job."

A spokeswoman for the Bible Society said she hadn't seen the book but that reviews had suggested that Crumb had "really engaged" with the Book of Genesis.

"It may surprise people but the bible does contain nudity, sex and violence. That's because it contains real stories about real people.

"If by reading the book people are encouraged to re-engage with the Bible then that can only be a good thing."

A spokesman for the Church of England said: "I haven't seen the book but I think trying to sell something by emphasising the sexual nature of some of the scenes doesn't seem to be a good way to pass on the message of the bible."

…………An intelligent view …….For Once…..On the whole matter of religion……

Sunday 18 October 2009

Tits Up?????????

Hypnotist claims to boost bust size

A stage hypnotist claims he can help women increase the size and firmness of their breasts through mind power alone.

David Knight claims women can enlarge their bust by up to two cup sizes by undergoing hypnosis, reports The Sun.

The entertainer says that by listening to his CD set, customers can experience significant changes in size within 12 weeks.

Mr Knight, from Northallerton, North Yorkshire, claims an 85% success rate based on customer feedback.

He is so confident of the technique that he offers a money-back guarantee.

He said: "Every lady's breasts have been grown by the mind. The mind grows it, so the mind can enhance it. Fact."

However, his business was highlighted in a BBC programme examining how easy it is register as an "accredited" hypnotherapist without qualifications.

The episode of Inside Out featured presenter Chris Jackson registering his cat, George, as a hypnotist with several seemingly professional industry organisations.

Mr Knight complained: "They could've tried it before saying it categorically didn't work."

Saturday 17 October 2009

Good On Yer Sport!!!!

'Midget Cup' racing dwarfs provokes uproar

Horse racing officials in Australia have come under fire for racing dwarfs in a competition called the 'Midget Cup'.

The race, held at the Cranbourne Cup to promote the state of Victoria's annual carnival, involved three men charging down a 50-metre course with dwarfs dressed in jockey silks riding piggyback.

It has been criticised by government officials just days after an Australian talent show courted controversy for airing a comedy skit involving dancers wearing afro wigs and black-painted faces to impersonate the late pop star Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5.

Victorian racing minister Rob Hulls told state radio: "Well look, there's often a fine line between a bit of fun and a silly stunt and I think this falls into the latter category.

"I mean the Midgets' Cup for goodness sake. It's certainly no way of promoting this great Spring Carnival right around the world, right around Australia and right throughout Victoria."

Stuart Laing, marketing manager at Racing Victoria, said the race was intended as "harmless fun".

He said: "We understand that you can't please everyone and if anyone's offended by the events of Sunday then we apologise to them."

…………..God……….Don’t you just love the “Kangaroo Humpers”……..Keep up the good works…..

Friday 16 October 2009

Believe It or Not

Boobs disaster for Miss Plastic favourite

Hotly-tipped plastic surgery beauty contest entrant injured after fake breasts make her fall over

I bring you an urgent update about the progress of the Miss Plastic beauty contest. The hot favourite to win the contest - which is only open to women who have had cosmetic surgery - has been forced to withdraw due to injury, after her breast implants caused her to trip over her high heels.

Blonde Alexandra Horvath, 23, tore a ligament when she fell after passing the breast examination stage of the contest with flying colours.

The silicone boob implants caused Alexandra to lose her balance as she tried to walk in her high heels - tearing a ligament and ending up in hospital.

Alexandra had joined 19 other finalists for the unusual competition to find the world's top plastic surgeon. As we've previously reported, the contest is being held in Hungary where low prices and modern clinics attract tens of thousands of patients from all over the world every year.

Alexandra had just got through the breast examination stage - where the judges had congratulated her surgeon, Dr Tamas Rozsos, on the lack of any surgical scars.

She toppled over on the catwalk and tore a ligament in her foot. Onlooker Laszlo Feher said: 'Everyone was admiring her bodywork and then she started to topple - no-one was near enough to reach her and she fall badly. She was taken to hospital by ambulance.'

A friend said: 'She had not got used to the extra weight on top and her new hair extensions got in her eyes - she just lost her balance and tore a ligament in her foot badly.'

The contest was organised as a protest by doctors and girls who had had surgery who were fed up with being barred from conventional beauty contests.

Two of the 20 finalists had been thrown out of previous beauty contests when judges discovered they had augmented breasts.

Szilvi Sonyak, 25, said: 'It left a bad taste in my mouth - I got complimented on my looks but booted out of a beauty contest even though I was easily the best looking there.

'I did not like it but I could not do anything about it, but at this contest I can finally show my real inner beauty as well as my physical good looks. And the judges understand that nature can be improved upon with modern doctors' helping hands.'

Another contestant, Reka Urban, 23, also banned from a conventional contest in the past, said: 'When talking about plastic surgery, people automatically associate girls who have done it with playmates, the sex industry and with a lifestyle supported by an old, wealthy lover. 'It is not so. I'm here to prove that plastic girls can be real too.' The final takes place tonight, with the winner due to be announced around midnight.

Meanwhile, the now wheelchair-bound Alexandra has asked the judges to let her remain in the contest. She said: 'I don't see why they can't admire my beauty in a wheelchair as well.'

…………..a lobotomy had also been performed without the judges knowledge………

Wednesday 14 October 2009

More Bumper Stickers

“I wish I was Barbie...That BITCH has everything!”
“It looks like you bought that car from Dollar General!”
“It's fun to cheat on a test but, not on people”
“Honk if you’ve never seen an Uzi fired out the back of a car window.”
“No fat chicks...........I just got new tires”
“P.E.T.A. - People. Eating Tasty Animals”
“CAUTION: Your daughter might be on board”
“Hang up and drive!”
“Welcome to America.... Now speak English.”
“Heart Attacks...God's revenge for eating His animal friends.”
“Guys...just because you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one.”
“Don't like my driving? Then quit watching me.”
“Some people just don't know how to drive...I call these people: Everybody, But Me.”
“If you can read this...I can slam on my brakes and sue you.”
“Impotence... Nature's way of saying, "No hard feelings.”

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Knock, Knock Anyone At Home!

Swedish soldiers accidentally blow up wrong house in demolition exercise

During a routine training operation for the Life Regiment Hussars (K3), an elite cavalry division that undertakes intelligence and paratrooper training, soldiers made an error.

The mission, performed with the Swedish home guard in Rojdafors, in west Sweden, near the Norwegian border, required soldiers to capture a house.

However, as the unit zeroed in on the house, it accidentally chose a building 200 yards from the intended target.

The soldiers bombed the house, leaving blown out doors and window frames. Luckily, no one was at home.

“I think we've already cleaned up after ourselves. And we have, of course, contacted the owner. There's no hard feeling between us,” a public relations officer for the elite unit told the Nya Wermlands-Tidningen newspaper.

…………Hey……They’re Swedes and a bit out of practise with fighting  wars……So what do you expect!

Monday 12 October 2009


Fluff Fluff: from camp dog to millionaire mutt

A camp dog from an outback central Australian community has moved from death row to millionaires row after being adopted by a resident in one of Sydney's richest suburbs.

Fluff Fluff, also known as Mr Fluff or just Fluff, came into the yard of Bob Gosford, who lives in Yuendumu, 300 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs, as a very sick puppy earlier this year.

But the once scruffy mutt has since been re-housed by a volunteer group called PAWS in the Sydney suburb of Darling Point.

Mr Gosford says the terrier cross with one floppy ear has had a name change to go with its new image.

The dog is now called Mali and has managed to outperform many of his new canine neighbours in the style stakes, winning Woollahra Council's cutest dog photo competition.

"We were sent through a link to the Woollahra Council home page and there's this beautiful photo of Fluff Fluff in all his glory without the sort of red desert sand," Mr Gosford said.

"And all of a sudden he turns into a white dog instead of a red dog.

"There he is and he won first prize which was $250 worth of photo shoot."

'Advertising cars'

Mr Gosford expects the dog's career to take-off.

"I think there's a lot more that Fluff will go on to," he said.

"He'll be, you know, advertising cars.

"I think he'll be getting a few more pedicures.

"He'll be on the dog shampoo and the dog conditioner.

"You know, he'll have a diamond-studded collar."

Sunday 11 October 2009

Paint Your House

People in blue houses most successful

People living in blue houses are more successful than those living in homes painted any other colour, according to a new survey.

The average professional living in a blue-painted house earns an impressive £38,000-a year and drives an Audi TT to work.

They take 27 days annual leave a year and treat themselves to at least two holidays abroad to exotic locations such as Barbados or the Maldives.

The poll, conducted by Sandtex Paints of 3,000 home owners, reveals that 23 per cent of people in blue houses have already worked their way up to Director level at work.

A further 31 per cent are proud to call themselves 'manager' or a job title of similar status.

And most of these professionals have at least three members of staff working beneath them.

Blue home owners will have already achieved two significant promotions to date in their high-flying career.

And if they haven't chosen the legal route, 11 per cent are likely to work in the health service or nine per cent in education.

In addition to maintaining a successful career, people living in a blue house even do well on a personal level.

The average blue homeowner is in a long-term relationship, has two children and four really close friends.

Fourteen per cent use some of their hard earned cash to pay for a cook to help out when guests are round, 11 per cent have a regular cleaner, and eight per cent have a nanny to help with the children.

Whilst a quarter of these people are so busy successfully managing a good career and family life, they always get outside help for DIY.


Blue £38,000

Red £23,500

White £23,400

Magnolia £23,100

Beige £20,800

Orange £20,000

Purple £19,600

Grey £19,000

Yellow £18,500

Brown £18,400

Pink £14,500

Green £13,100

Saturday 10 October 2009

It’s all a Croc!

Grumpy crocodile jailed for three days

Police threw a grumpy crocodile in jail after it was discovered loitering in a town.

The two-metre long saltwater crocodile was hanging around by a fence trying to look innocent, officers in Australia's Northern Territory said.

Sergeant Adam Russell said his plan to nab the reptile in style was vetoed by rangers.

"I wanted to jump on it Steve Irwin style," he told Northern Territory News.

"But [the rangers] wouldn't let me."

Instead the creature was bound and bundled into the back of a pick-up truck and taken to the police cells.

It was remanded in custody for three days until it was picked up by staff from a crocodile farm.

Sgt Russell said the reptile was hosed down every couple of hours in its cell but would hiss whenever anybody came near.

…………..He was probably pissed about the drink regulation at the race track……

Friday 9 October 2009

It’s a Bugger!!!

Racing fans "limited" to 24 beers a day

Adult fans at one of Australia's most popular motor sport races, the Bathurst 1000, will be limited to one "slab" of beer a day -- or 24 375 ml cans -- as police focus on reducing alcohol-related crime.

The 24-can rule would also be placed on mixed drinks for the V8 car race starting Thursday which draws thousands to the rural town of Bathurst in eastern New South Wales state, the NSW police said Tuesday.

But more restrained spectators would be able to slake their thirst, if not their craving for alcohol, with up to 36 cans of low or mid-strength beer.

Wine lovers must make do with no more than four liters of cask wine per day and combinations of the options would not be allowed, the police statement said.

"This is one of the greatest motorsport events in Australia and for some it is a pilgrimage that they make every year," Assistant Commissioner Alan Clarke said.

"Police respect people's rights to enjoy the race weekend, but will promptly act when the law is broken.

"Every year thousands of race fans attend and enjoy the event and Police will not allow their safety to be compromised by a drunken few.

"As such we will once again be focusing on alcohol related behavior," he said.

Police were also urging people traveling to Bathurst to drive safely and closely monitor their speed and fatigue.

The race runs from Thursday to Sunday.

………Another “pleasure” bite’s the dust then!!!!

Thursday 8 October 2009

A Shot In The Dark!!

Woman files paternity claims against six prisoners

Mum-to-be Raluca Dionescu from Iasi says any one of the convicts she met while working part-time at the jail could be the father.

The prisoners - aged between 24 and 35 - will have to submit to blood and DNA tests.

Dionescu, who was employed as a cleaner at the prison near Iasi, admitted she had enjoyed steamy sessions with the inmates in the prison's laundry room.

She said: "I couldn't resist some of the men. I didn't think of them as criminals or the crimes that they committed.

"What I want now though is to find out which one is the father of my child. I don't know what will happen after that though, whether I, or the father, will want to bring up the child together."

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Freedom of Speech!!!!!

UK supermarket pulls ad from Fox News over Beck

……and here’s another prime example of not being able to express an opinion that’s different!!!

British supermarket chain Waitrose said Monday it was pulling its advertisements from Fox News in the U.K. after customers complained about the cable news channel's Glenn Beck program.

The popular and controversial talk show host is already the target of a boycott campaign in the United States after he accused President Barack Obama of harboring "a deep-seated hatred for white people."

Waitrose, known for its upmarket fare and focus on organic foods, said in a statement it was responding to customer concerns, and that the move was not politically motivated.

The wide coverage afforded to Beck's tirade against the U.S. president and the subsequent boycott campaign has also been noticed in Britain — where Fox owner Rupert Murdoch controls a powerful news and broadcasting empire.

Color of Change, the group which has lobbied advertisers to steer clear of Beck's show, claims that about 80 U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., have deserted the pugnacious television host.

Last month The Independent newspaper quoted James Rucker, Color of Change's executive director, as urging British companies to put similar pressure on Fox in the U.K., where it is broadcast by British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC — a satellite TV service 39 percent owned by Murdoch's News Corp.

Although most U.S. companies who have dropped Beck's program still continue to advertise on other segments of Fox News, Waitrose spokesman James Armstrong said the company was pulling out of the channel as a whole.

Sky reaches about 9 million homes in the U.K. and Ireland. Fox News offered no immediate comment on the Waitrose announcement. In the past, the channel has said it has not been affected by the boycott.

……Are these the same “people” I wonder…..That are urging the States to drop the charges against  Roman Polanski…..Of course…..Wasn’t it another “African American” that said that it wasn’t “rape-rape”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Forty Naps!!

Burglar falls asleep on the job

A would-be burglar failed to finish his crime after he broke into a house, drank a bottle of wine and fell asleep on a sofa.

The man stuffed items into a pillow case before settling down with the full bottle in Milton, Cambridge. The homeowner tried - unsuccessfully - to wake him before calling police.

Cambridgeshire police confirmed a man had been arrested on suspicion of burglary and criminal damage following the incident on September 22.

A spokesman said: 'We arrived to find the man on the sofa with a bottle of wine on the floor next to him and after trying to rouse him we charged him with attempted burglary.'

……Puts a whole new light on the saying “asleep on the job”!!!!

Monday 5 October 2009

Speeding In EU

Foreign motorists to avoid speeding fines in Britain: how system will work

Thousands of foreign motorists will avoid speeding fines in Britain, but UK drivers will be penalised for the same offences abroad. How and why is this happening?

What is it supposed to do?

The "framework" is intended to make it easier to enforce fines imposed on anyone committing an offence outside their own country.

s it designed just for motorists?

No, it is for an array of petty crimes. The agreement will, for example, hit football hooligans and holidaymakers who misbehave while abroad.

How does it work?

Details of a British driver speeding overseas will be sent to the British authorities who will collect the fine and keep the money. In the case of a French offender, for example, their details would go to the French authorities who would collect and keep the money, assuming it was above the 70 Euro threshold. This is aimed to save the cost of sending money across international borders.

So what has gone wrong?

Quite simply the pound has nosedived to such an extent that the £60 standard fine is now below the threshold set under the agreement. Collecting less that this amount is not considered worthwhile.

What is the exchange rate?

Currently £1 is worth 1.09 Euros. 70 Euros is worth £64.02

But the Government says that the courts will push unpaid fines above the 70 Euro threshold once they are unpaid?

Road safety groups think this is highly unlikely because of the bureaucracy involved.

What happens to British drivers now?

As a result of the changes, a British motorist driving his or her own car caught speeding will be pursued for a fine. Their details will be sent to the UK authorities.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Action Man Back

It’s time for “real men” to start playing with dollys again!!!!

Action Man is back

Action Man returns to the shelves today after an absence of three years.

The toy action figures, which were redesigned in the early 1990s to reflect more modern heroes and extreme sports figures, still come with a range of weapons equipped with telescopic sights.

The new range, which starts at £5, includes a global mission Action Man, as well as a scuba patrol, a desert motor-cross bike rider, and even one with flip-out wings.

The new Action Man figures will continue the modern-day hero range, rather than returning to the military versions which saw them dressed as commanders complete with gripping rubber hands and moveable eagle eyes in the 1970s.

Originally sold in America by Hasbro, the Action Man range, made in Britain by Palitoy under licence, won Toy of the Year when it first appeared in the UK in 1966.

The range was discontinued in 1984 and new designs appeared in 1993, but production ceased in 2006.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) backed a new ranges of authentic military-inspired dolls, armed with weapons and military vehicles,

The 10-inch high HM Armed Forces action figures ''showcase our people and equipment'' and proved ''the high level support for our forces among the British public'', the MoD said.

…………..YEH RIGHT………Perhaps this is the reason why politicians today are so lame….They spent their formative years playing with dolls!!!!!

Saturday 3 October 2009

Take Flight

Thieves steal many, many canaries

A bird keeper said yesterday that he was 'gutted' after thieves stole his entire aviary of 81 canaries.

Two men are thought to have broken into the aviary at Andrew and Janet Self's home in Lordswood, Hampshire, at about 3am on Friday and made off on bicycles with the birds.

Mr Self has been breeding them for 38 years and had 81 Fife canaries worth £1,000, including 51 young birds.

The 68-year-old retired gardener said: 'We were woken up in the night at about 3am.

'The wife said she heard something so I got up and looked through the window but couldn't see anything, turned the light on and still couldn't see anything except two lights. I don't know if it was somebody on bikes.

'When I went down in the morning the whole lot had gone, both aviary doors were open.

'Had they escaped, there would have been one or two in the garden but there wasn't one.'

Friday 2 October 2009

Behind Chocolate Bars!!

Study says too much candy could lead to prison

Willy Wonka would be horrified. Children who eat too much candy may be more likely to be arrested for violent behavior as adults, new research suggests.

British experts studied more than 17,000 children born in 1970 for about four decades. Of the children who ate candies or chocolates daily at age 10, 69 percent were later arrested for a violent offense by the age of 34. Of those who didn't have any violent clashes, 42 percent ate sweets daily.

The study was published in the October issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. It was paid for by Britain's Economic and Social Research Council.

The researchers said the results were interesting, but that more studies were needed to confirm the link. "It's not that the sweets themselves are bad, it's more about interpreting how kids make decisions," said Simon Moore of the University of Cardiff, one of the paper's authors.

Moore said parents who consistently bribe their children into good behavior with candies and chocolates could be doing harm. That might prevent kids from learning how to defer gratification, leading to impulsive behavior and violence.

Even after Moore and colleagues controlled for other variables like different parenting skills and varying social and economic backgrounds, they found a significant link between childhood consumption of sweets and violent behavior in adulthood.

Previous studies have found better nutrition leads to better behavior, in both children and adults.

Moore said his results were not strong enough to recommend parents stop giving their children candies and chocolates. "This is an incredibly complex area," he said. "It's not fair to blame it on the candy."

……………..You don’t say!!!………Another meaningless study to keep “academics” in a job!

Thursday 1 October 2009

Hummer Owners Made Right Choice

Hummer owners believe they've made "a highly moral consumption choice"

There probably isn't any one passenger vehicle on earth that earns more ire from environmentalists than the Hummer H2. While the reality of the matter is that most Hummers aren't really much worse when it comes to fuel mileage and overall emissions than any other giant SUV (most civilian Hummers are, in fact, based largely on truck platforms from General Motors) the brand has seemingly been made into the poster child of American excess.
Interestingly, however, according to a small study of 20 Hummer owners published in the Journal of Consumer Research, that stigma may actually be a selling point for those who purchase Hummers. According to the authors of the study:

As we studied American Hummer owners and their ideological beliefs, we found that they consider Hummer driving a highly moral consumption choice. For Hummer owners it is possible to claim the moral high ground... The moralistic critique of their consumption choices readily inspired Hummer owners to adopt the role of the moral protagonist who defends American national ideals.

It's hard to argue that this report offers a conclusive look into the minds of Hummer owners and Hummer haters alike – especially when the sample size is so small – and we doubt it's going to put an end to the debate over the seemingly conflicting rights of Americans to purchase the vehicle of their choice, consume or conserve whatever resources they deem necessary and breathe clean air. That said, it's an interesting bit of research, no?