Monday 6 July 2009

UK Prepares For Suicide!!

WELL……..WELL…..The UK, under this present Government, seems to be hell bent on suicide. They are to spend £1bn per year in overseas aid for countries that are recently emerging from a conflict.

According to International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander the money will target security and job creation. The aim is to try to prevent conflicts in 20 fragile states where about
one third of the poorest people in the world live. Also his department will also get a new look - branded UK Aid - to try to raise the profile of British government spending on international development. So more taxpayers money being spent there then!!!!

Where the Hell do these morons expect the money to come from? Britain has already been singled out, that it will be the slowest and last Country in the EU to pull itself out of this present recession but this is a typical Socialist ploy of SPEND, SPEND, SPEND…Because after all….There’s always someone else left to pick up the pieces.

My attitude to all this “overseas aid” is; SOD THEM….They kicked the Colonists out because they thought that they could run their own countries better!!…Well they certainly proved that they could to that…..They ran them straight into the ground but they always knew that they could rely on “hand-outs” from the West!!!! SO….SOD THEM ALL.

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