Tuesday 4 June 2013

What….No Tip!

Cash-hungry termites munch through £119,000

A colony of termites has gorged itself on a diet of money, managing to eat its way through £119,000.
The insects were discovered chomping on the cash by police at a bank in Barabanki, northern India.
The 10 million rupees (£119,000) had been stored in in a steel chest that workers thought was infallible but it turned out they hadn’t planned for an attack from an army of termites.
‘It’s a matter of investigation how termites attacked bundles of currency notes stacked in a steel chest,’ said police officer Navneet Rana.
He added the bank manager had found the damage when he had accessed a disused bank room.
This isn’t the first time the ravenous insects have proved a menace.
They have previously damaged equipment and documents at other banks across India.
Authorities have taken the first steps required to open an investigation after registering a negligence case against bank chiefs.

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