Monday, 28 April 2014

A Free Holiday??

Chance to stay on an island - for free

A Swedish philanthropist is giving people the chance to stay on a beautiful island for free - so they can think properly.

Frederik Haren is giving people the chance to holiday on one of the three islands he owns so they can unleash their creativity.

He and his wife own two islands off Sweden and another one in the Philippines, reports Metro.

People can apply for a short holiday on one of them and just need to convince Mr Haren why they need the time and space to come up with new ideas.

A charitable donation of about £600 is encouraged but it is not compulsory and the stay itself is completely free.

All applicants need to do is explain why spending a week cut off from civilisation would help the project they're working on, or hoping to develop.

Previous guests include art collective The Barefoot Basterds, entrepreneur Benjamin Joffe, artist Gustavo Malucelli and organic food expert Trudy Fawcett.

Palawan island in the Philippines is currently closed, due to typhoon damage, but Vifarnaholme and Svanholmen, both off Stockholm, are open from 1 June to 30 September.

People interested - and who wouldn't be - can apply via the Ideas Island website.

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