Sunday 21 April 2013

Buzz Off!

Millions Of Bees Clog Oregon Highway

Oregon's newest bee farm was Highway 97.
Half a billion honey bees buzzed for days along the highway before they were rescued on Thursday, Portland's KGW-TV reported.
The bees had been stranded since Sunday evening, following the crash of a commercial truck carrying 200 hives.
Police said driver Martin Garcia swerved to miss an animal in the road and the truck rolled on its side, The Madras Pioneer reported.
The truck was removed that evening, but the trailer and the beehive load were left waiting for roadside assistance.
Four days later, apprentices from the Central Oregon Beekeepers Association worked for nearly 12 hours straight, picking up each the 200 spilled hives by hand.
The rescued honey-makers were examined at a nearby farm before being sent to their original destination.

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