Friday 9 August 2013

The Aliens Have Spoken?

Google Asked to Censor Bad Press

The Church of Scientology, known in Germany as a kind of sect exploiting vulnerable people for profit and based on the sci-fi novels of Ron Hubbard, was reported to have a crack at getting the search giant to censor bad press.

Scientologists pointed out that over the years their cyber-footprint is a bit off with the worldwide web full of negative publications about the cult. Today, Geir Isene, formerly a top level Scientologist turned whistleblower, has announced that the leaders of the Church met with Google’s Sergey Brin and asked him whether it were possible for Google to censor search results so that only positive posts about the Church would be returned on the query “Scientology”.

Well, a rational person would understand what the answer of Sergey Brin was like. Of course, Google’s founder couldn’t agree to do what the sect asked for, but the Scientologists weren’t discouraged and went as far as to try their luck meeting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – although the latter had regularly criticized the Church for its stands against online freedoms. Geir Isene begged the Church’s officials to give him a full day to explain the worldwide web to them before having the meeting. Nevertheless, the Electronic Frontier Foundation still put the Church of Scientology into its “Takedown Hall of Shame” which indicates that for a sci-fi based “religion” the latter experiences troubles understanding technology. In his book, titled “From Independent Scientologist to Just Me”, Geir Isene was telling how he tried his best to explain how the worldwide web works.

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