Friday 19 June 2009

MP’s Expenses “Revealed”??


WELL………WELL……..WELL…..The long awaited day finally arrived and the official publication revealing  British MP’s expenses was published!!!!….Well not really….Most of the publication was covered in black ink blanking out the relevant details that have been published in the “Daily Telegraph” for the past three weeks…..The “Mole” that sent the relevant cd should be put forward for a knighthood…for without his help the public would have been none the wiser to the scams the MP’s were getting up to and the one’s that have been shamed into paying money back certainly would not have done.

Party leaders struggled to explain the decision to publish heavily blacked-out versions of MPs’ claims as public anger mounted…..The parliamentary expenses files do not expose MPs who have “flipped” their designated second homes and many of the most controversial claims have been completely blacked out in the documents.

Details that would have allowed the public to identify interest claimed on so-called “phantom mortgages” — such as in the case of Elliot Morley, the former environment minister — or MPs who were able to avoid paying capital gains tax on
the sale of properties — such as Kitty Ussher, the Treasury minister forced to resign — were also excluded.

Controversial claims by Tory MPs for the cleaning of a moat and the purchase of a floating duck island were also omitted.

The decision to publish the information in this way — following weeks of disclosures about questionable claims in The Telegraph — provoked widespread surprise and anger. The full scale of the censorship of the expense claims made by senior MPs, including the Cabinet, can be disclosed in Friday’s Daily Telegraph which publishes the details excluded from yesterday’s release.

MPs had originally argued that their addresses be excluded for security reasons, but vast additional amounts of detail of their
claims have ended up being censored.
Hundreds of pages of claims have been removed altogether before the expense files were published.

No wonder the scheming bunch of reprobates fought so long and hard to stop or curtail publication……..

COME THE REVOLUTION……All this might stop!

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